Sunday, December 30, 2007

Controlling the Fury of storms, floods and fire.

Storms, floods

One day Shirdi was overcast with clouds and was hit by a terrible Storm, with powerful winds and lightning. The winds began to blow forcibly; the clouds thundered; and lightening flashed. In this moment all creatures’ birds’ beast and men flocked to the Masjid for shelter and prayer to Baba.

Baba was moved with compassion and came out. At the edge of the Masjid, he addressed the storm loudly in a thunderous voice,”stop! Stop your fury and be calm.” Surprisingly, in a few minutes, the rain subsidized the winds ceased to blow, and the storm was over, and people went back home pleased.


On another occasion, the fire in the dhuni was burning brightly, and suddenly the flames were seen raising up to the rafters above. But people in the majsid did not have the courage to draw the attention of Baba to this danger and did not know what to do.

However, soon Baba himself realized what was happening, took up his satka (a stick) and dashed it against the pillar in front of him,saying “Get down,be calm” At each stroke of the satka, the flames abated and in a few minutes the fire in the dhuni came down to its normal level and became calm.

Thus Baba’s words were a command which controlled the natural elements, whether it was a storm or a fire.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Once Mrs.Dadasaheb Khaparde of Amotaoti came to Shirdi with her younger son for Baba’s Darshan and blessings, and stayed there sometime. Then later one day, her son suddenly developed high fever, which was later diagnosed as the deadly bubonic plague. The frightened mother rushed to Wada, met Baba while he was having his evening stroll. and held his feet firmly. She informed him in a trembling voice about her son’s serious condition, and sought permission to leave shirdi for amraoti.

But Baba, in a kind and soft tone, told her,” The sky is beset with clouds, but they will melt and pass off soon and everything will be smooth and clear”. And lifted up his shirt (kafni) and showed to all those present there, four fully developed buboes on his waist, and added, saying,”See how I suffer for the sake of my devotee. These difficulties are mine”

The heart of the divine soul melts like soft wax or butter when exposed to the warmth of the prayers of suffering devotees. By grace of Baba, after a few days, the son was completely cured, and the mother was relieved of her anxiety. Thus baba took on himself the plague of the boy and saved him from the disease.

Same way in another incident Nana Chandorkar and his wife were very worried Their daughter, who was going to have a child, was seriously ill....The event is presented I a slide show above

Shirdi sai does many things to save his devotees even today....having devotion towards him will make us experience his grace

Aum sairam

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Feed the Hungry whether dog or human says Saibaba

Once Mrs. Tarkhad, after preparing food for everyone in the house, was about to serve the dishes, When she heard a hungry dog barking.

She immediately took a piece of chapatti and threw it to the dog, which ate it with great satisfaction.

Later when she went to the masjid, baba said to her,” Mother you have fed me sumptuously. My afflicted pranas have been satisfied Act like this will stand you in good stead. Sitting in the masjid, I never speak the untruth. First give food to the hungry, and then you eat. Note this well”.

Mrs.Tarkhad was puzzled and did not understand what baba was saying. Therefore, She questioned him, ”Baba, how could I feed you when I am dependent on others and take my payment?”.

Baba replied, ”eating that lovely chapatti I am Heartily content, and still belching. The dog you saw and to whom you gave the piece is one with me.I roam in their forms too. He who sees me in all creatures, is my beloved. So abandon the sense of duality and distinction and serve me as you did today.

Shirdi Sai Baba | Sai SatCharitra (Sacred Text) | Shirdi | SaiBaba | Miracle | Devotion Spiritual: Don't look down or talk down of any Saint or SadGur

Shirdi Sai Baba | Sai SatCharitra (Sacred Text) | Shirdi | SaiBaba | Miracle | Devotion Spiritual: Don't look down or talk down of any Saint or SadGuru

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Saibaba and Vishnu sahasra Nama

It was a Friday afternoon my Economics professor plus hostel warden called me and handed over 10 free tickets for the Gnana Yagnas conducted by Swamini Saradapriyananda, (sacred knowledge gatherings) on the Bhagavad Gita, None of the girls liked coming even I did not wanted to go because I had my mid term exams from the next day onwards....but since handed over thinking I will not only definitely come but bring nine others with me...More over the program was for six days two precious evening hours a day. However I attended the program

First day I was bit uncomfortable...many elders as participants and many of them were rereading Bhagavad Gita, It was my first experience to hear Sanskrit sounds....initially it was very tough to repeat but on the third day of the program I was able to chant verses by repeating...Thank god the meaning was explained in English and the Sanskrit verses were printed in English...dialect...I could get the essence of the Bhagavad Gita interpreted in the swami chinmayaji’s way by swamini soon as the discourse was over on the third day...I rushed back to the hostel. Though my warden knows that I am attending the program I had different problems. I may or may not get my super and the fluctuation in electricity supply has to with stand and the lights have to burn so that I could prepare for the next day mid term exams.

I felt really compelled to attend the program however I did not want to upset my professor further. He was lamenting that the younger generations are going to dogs and out of ten free valuable tickets only one had attended...with so much of constraints I attended the fourth day discourse also....In the end of that day session as usual I was rushing back to catch up the spent time outside thinking of my super availability but to my surprise when I came near my Moped atlas solex I realized I have lost my Moped key in the hall..

Like a stupid I attempted to go for some discourse which I was not for ....then for missing my super... rushing back to the hostel fearing the darkness and today an added problem of missing my key. I was really helpless The crowd inside the hall has formed a queue to move towards Swamini to get Prasad from her....No other go I have to wait till the crowd dissolves....patience again and faith that I will not loose my key in that crowd. Who else to be blamed for my action...god....I was worried perturbed and restless like a rat moving multi directional without much of aim. At last the watchman of the premises became irritated and wanted me to quit the hall....Helplessly I left the hall and stood near my Moped....I felt like crying...I wanted somebody to find my key...I wanted my key...naturally when we are in dearth need we call all the gods existing in the universe and I called my Saibaba....

Standing in the centre of the road clueless to proceed without the key...My mind stopped all other activities and totally into sairam chanting...

I have parked my moped in front of a fruit juice shop... suddenly a voice came from there...I turned and saw ...the shop person asked me what is that I am in search of...I am in search of the vehicle key...without the key I cannot drive the vehicle...I told him the truth...I want the key to drive back my vehicle to the hostel and I am searching that...

He smiled and gave my purse I was astonished till then I never thought of my purse I was so much towards my key. I ran towards the shopkeeper and literally snatched the purse from his hands... on the side pouch of the purse I could find my scooter key...Sai you are great I yelled aloud. The shop person looked at me differently...but I did not bother...

I thanked him and when I was about to leave he gave a small palm sized book ....I got that in my hand but told that was not mine...But however he said that book was found near my moped by the side of my purse...It was a coverless book and the verses were in Sanskrit. I thought some of the participants would have missed the one as I have done with my key....

I was very happy and thanking Saibaba all the way back to my hostel for getting back my key and handing over it to me to drive back my vehicle. On the next day I started for the program and without forgetting I took the palm sized book for the discourse thinking I will find time to hand over it to the person who is the possessor of the same...but I was exactly in the hall by 6 O’clock and the swamini was about to start ...

The discourse sounded very good and suddenly I felt I am listening to some important messages....and a real good the end of the class I got up to stand in the queue to get the Prasad from her. My purse and the palm sized book from my lap fell down....To my great surprise saibaba picture too fell from the book. I didn’t know how come a saibaba picture. I was having the book from yesterday night but no trace of anything kept inside...I did not move with the crowd I stayed back and checked the book...The verses were in Sanskrit...I decipher because of my fifth day acquaintance with the letters but still then ...slowly I asked the person next to me “Sir what is this book is about?” The elderly person browsed through the pages and said that book is about “Shri Vishnu Sahasra Naama”. But I did not want to ask further on that however I told that the book is not mine and I have to find out its owner from this crowd ...for which he answered “No child I think you have to read it that is why this book is given to you read it .It is in ragged condition and the possessor would have memorized the verses by need to find the owner “

I was bit perturbed at first hearing him say that and.....I am not well versed reading Sanskrit also then how can I read it? Later after two months time one fine day I made up my mind to read that .I went and bought the English version of the verses from a book stall near town hall at Coimbatore and started reading. Now I can chant the same even without book...I can visualize Vishnu and I do recollect him as described in the verses.....

In my later days when I went through the Shri Sai Satcharita under the 27th chapter I was astonished and taken aback. And the following paragraph has left an unforgettable impact in me till date In that chapter it is said

Shama and Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam

Shama was a very intimate devotee of Baba and Baba wanted to favour him in a particular way by giving him a copy of Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam as Prasad. This was done in the following way. Once a Ramadasi (follower of Saint Ramadas) came to Shirdi and stayed for some time. The routine he followed daily was as follows : He got up early in the morning, washed his face, bathed and then after wearing saffron-coloured clothes and besmearing himself with sacred ashes, read Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam (a book giving a thousand names in praise of Vishnu, and held second in importance to Bhagwad Geeta) and Adhyatma-Ramayana (Esoteric version of Rama's story) with faith. He read these books often and often and then after some days Baba thought of favouring and initiating Shama with Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam. He, therefore, called the Ramadasi to Him and said to him that, He was suffering from intense stomach-pain, and unless He took Senna-pods (Sona-mukhi, a mild purgative drug) the pain would not stop; so he should please go to the bazar and bring the drug. The Ramadasi closed his reading and went to the bazar. Then Baba descended from His seat, came to the Ramadasi's place of reading, took out the copy of Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam, and coming to His seat said to Shama- "Oh Shama, this book is very valuable and efficacious, so I present it to you, you read it. Once I suffered intensely and my heart began to palpitate and My life was in danger. At that critical time, I hugged this book to my heart and then, Shama, what a relief it gave me! I thought that Allah Himself came down and saved Me. So I give this to you, read it slowly, little by little, read daily one name at least and it will do you good." Shama replied that he did not want it, and that the owner of it, the Ramadasi who was a mad, obstinate and irritable fellow would certainly pick up a quarrel with him, besides, being a rustic himself, he could not read distinctly the Sanskrit (Devanagari) letters of the book.

Shama thought that Baba wanted to set him up against the Ramadasi by this act of His, but he had no idea of what Baba felt for him. Baba must have thought to tie this necklace of Vishu-Sahasra-Nam round the neck of Shama, as he was an intimate devotee, though a rustic, and thus save him from the miseries of the worldly existence. The efficacy of God's Name is well-known. It saves us from all sins and bad tendencies, frees us from the cycle of births and deaths. There is no easier sadhana than this. It is the best purifier of our mind. It requires no paraphernalia and no restrictions. It is so easy and so effective. This sadhana, Baba wanted Shama to practise, though he did not crave for it. So Baba forced this on him. It is also reported that long ago, Eknath Maharaj, similarly, forced this Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam on a poor Brahmin neighbour, and thus saved him. The reading and study of this Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam is a broad open way of purifying the mind, and hence Baba thrust this on His Shama.

Did my Saibaba gave this palm sized book and made me to attend Sanskrit discourse and pushed me to learn the art of worshiping Vishnu through chanting his sahasra namas.and made me to find the key to drive my vehicle.

At times Saibabas messages are so open and straight only thing is we have to understand his language and allow him to be with us.

Aum sairam

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The impotance of sai udi

The Importance of Udi

My childhood days had lot of wonderful memories....My grandpa his Monday noon pooja to lord Muruga and the sandal paste he use to keep on his forehead....If asked for reasons he would grin and put a dot on my forehead.. and affectionately tap my cheeks.Then someday he use to put udi all over his forehead and a spot of chandana (sandal)in the centre onto it the kumkum...amazing to watch.....But again when I question him why? He would grin and say for god....We do all these stuff for god....I believed my grandpa and did apply the udi sandal and kumkum all over my forehead of course not that artistically as my grandpa...and I was feeling that I am doing something great to god whenever I apply udi.

Once I had a terrible fever and head eyes were burning and I was not able to move. Though my grandpa himself was a vaidya he brought a doctor home. Usually my grandpa will give tartaricum, magnesium phos and some homeopath medicine and say I will be alright in some days. But this time he did not want to give the treatment himself. On investigation the doctor found out I had a viral infection may be I may get measles.

He gave some antibiotic and some cough syrup. The neighbors said that the goddess mariamman has come on me and I should not be treated with medication. However my grandpa behaved scientific and administered medicine...That night my temperature sore high and my grandpa went to the pooja room prayed and brought some udi and applied it on my forehead...I was conscious and watching him...i held his hand and asked why grandpa why should we do this stuff to god. That day my grandpa answered dear this udi is very precious and protects us from so many evils.... A new answer all these days I was thinking I am doing good to god by applying udi but today the concept turned topsy-turvy and my grandpa says that god would help us...confusing but I could not think more my head was aching.....

Children ask thousand and one questions and if only we could take time, and be empathetic to answer them,we would learn many things ourselves....In my later days many interpreted the act of applying udi in many ways and I got the full essence of the greatness of udi while going through the 33rd chapter of Sai satcharita in my later years... What did Saibaba teach from his udi?

Baba taught by His Udi that all the visible phenomena in the universe are as transient as the ash. Our bodies composed of wood or matter of the five elements, will fall down, after all their enjoyments are over, and be reduced to ashes. In order to remind the devotees of the fact that their bodies will be reduced to ashes, Baba distributed Udi to them. Baba also taught by the Udi that the Brahman is the only Reality and the universe is ephemeral and that no one in this world, be he a son, father or wife, is really ours. We come here (in this world) alone and we have to go out alone. It was found and is even now found out, that the Udi cured many physical and mental maladies, but Baba wanted to din into the devotee's ears the principles of discrimination between the Unreal and the Real, non-attachment for the Unreal, by His Udi and Dakshina. The former (Udi) taught us discrimination and the latter (Dakshina) taught us non-attachment. Unless we have these two things, it is not possible for us to cross over the sea of the mundane existence. So Baba asked for and took Dakshina, and while the devotees took leave, He gave Udi as Prasad, besmeared some of it on the Bhaktas' foreheads and placed His boon-conferring hand on their heads. When Baba was in a cheerful mood, He used to sing merrily. One such song was about Udi. The burden of the Udi song was this,"Oh, playful Rama, come, come, and bring with you sacks of Udi." Baba used to sing in very clear and sweet tones.

So much about the spiritual implication of Udi. It had also its material significance. It conferred health, prosperity, freedom from anxiety, and many other worldly gains. So the Udi has helped us to gain both our ends - material as well as spiritual.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Saibaba and oil vendors

Nobody knows for certain when saibaba was born or who his parents were, or what his real name was. He arrived one day at shirdi in Maharastra He was dressed like a fakir(Muslim ascetic) and lived in a dilapidated mosque----but spoke of a Hindi guru, whom he called venkusa. He seemed to be well acquainted with the Hindu scriptures, but at the same time was heard to quote from the quran.

The word “sai” is a Persian word meaning saint, and baba is a Hindi word meaning father. As his name would indicate, Saibaba has both Hindu and Muslim disciples. He did not approve of conversations and believed that everyone had a right to follow his own path of god.Everything that is known about his beliefs,however is deduced from his actions.He was giving for theorizing.....

His leelas are commendable and not countable till date....but this story reveals that saibaba could light the lamp with water is a remarkable one that was always recollected by his bhaktas.....

Aum Sairam

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